The Berean Expositor
Volume 29 - Page 57 of 208
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failure of Samuel's sons, and the natural tendency of man to trust in himself, were
Saul's history occupies I Sam. 8: 4 to II Sam. 1: 27 and falls into three sections:
I Sam. 8: 4 - 14: 35. The demand for a king, his testing and rejection.
I Sam. 16: 1 - 26: 25. The anointing of David, and his persecution by Saul.
I Sam. 27: 1 - II Sam. 1: 27. Saul's sin and death.
We shall find that the consideration of the essential features in the first of these
sections will occupy all the space we have available in this article, and once again, as
with the first eight chapters, we must refrain from presenting anything like a complete
The following is an analysis of the outstanding points:
I Samuel 8: 4 - 15: 35.
The demand for, and the rejection of, Saul.
A1 | 8: 4-9. | a | A king demanded by the people.
b | The Lord rejected.
c | Reference to history since Egypt.
B1 | 8: 10-22. The manner of the king.
C1 | 10: 8. The Test. | Tarry seven days.
I will offer sacrifice.
A2 | 10: 18, 19. |
c | Reference to history since Egypt.
b | God rejected.
a | A king demanded.
B2 | 10: 25. The manner of the kingdom.
C2 | 11: 3-13. The Test. | Give us seven days.
Saul hewed yoke of oxen.
A3 | 11: 15 - 12: 12. | a | Saul made king.
c | Reference to history since Egypt.
b | Lord God rejected.
B3 | 13: 1. The reign of Saul. One year.
C3 | 13: 8 - 15: 19. The Test. | He tarried seven days.
Saul's disobedience. The offerings.
Saul's oath.
The spoil.
Saul's disobedience. The offerings and the spoil.
A4 | 15: 26. |
b | The word of the Lord rejected.
a | Saul rejected from being king.
Taking this outline as our guide, let us consider the teaching corresponding to the
letter "A" in the structure. This aspect of the subject occurs four times, and in three of
the passages the people are reminded of the attitude of their fathers since the exodus from
Egypt. In the personal dealing with Saul himself, however, in chapter 15: this item is
not repeated. Saul was there being dealt with because of his own iniquity.