The Berean Expositor
Volume 28 - Page 211 of 217
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Weekly Bible Readings for May, 1938.
Subject: "Hope."
p. 104
Note association of hope with gospel in verses 5 & 23.
May 1st.
Faith looks back to a finished work.
Colossians 1: 1-23.
Love covers the whole life.
Hope looks forward to the coming glory (Col. 1: 4, 5).
May 8th.
Note two "appearings" (11, 13). Glorious appearing is
literally "The appearing of the glory".
Titus 2: 1-15.
The simple sentence is:  "The grace of God that
bringeth salvation . . . . . teaches us that . . . . . we
should live . . . . . looking."
May 15th.
The threefold revelation of Eph. 1: 3-14, viz., the Will
of the Father, the Work of the Son, the Witness of
Ephesians 1: 15-23.
the Spirit, is followed by a threefold prayer.
The first item is "What is the hope of His calling" (see
also Eph. 4: 4).
May 22nd.
This epistle speaks of the hope of the remnant of Israel,
I Peter 1: 1-25.
but in essentials is true for all.
Hope is "living", therefore those who entertain it are
"begotten". Further, all is "by the resurrection of
Jesus Christ", for there is no hope apart from
resurrection (verses 21-23).
May 29th.
Hope must be connected with the expectation that some
Psalm 119: 49-56.
promise will be fulfilled. Hope cannot stand by
itself. Here it rests upon the "Word"
"Search and See" Section.
Col. 1: 1-23-- (1) Find two other passages of Scripture where "Faith, hope and love" come together (4, 5).
(2) What is the hope? (23). Where is it laid up? How do we "hear" about it (5, 23).
Titus 2: 1-15-- (1) What is "the blessed hope"? (13).
(2) He will purify (14). What does verse 12 say about the present?
(3) What should be our attitude to this hope? (12, 13).
Eph. 5: 15-23--
(1) Find another reference in Eph. 4: to the hope of the calling.
(2) Can you explain why "hope" and "calling" go together?
(3) Can you say why the apostle said "one" hope of your calling? (4: 4).
I Pet. 1: 1-25--
(1) What other words beside "lively" are used in this chapter to teach
that this hope is connected with a new life?
(2) Do faith, hope and love come together in this chapter? Write the verses.
(3) The hope is defined in verses 7, 11 and 13: What is it?
Psalm 119: 49-56--  (1) Explain how "hope" is connected with "the Word".
(2) Read Rom. 4: 17, 18 and say whether Abraham's hope rested upon "the Word".
Verses to memorize (one each week):
Col. 1: 4, 5; Titus 2: 13; Eph. 1: 18; I Pet. 1: 3; Psa. 119: 49.