The Berean Expositor
Volume 28 - Page 123 of 217
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May we here apply the truth to those who may be unsaved. The law of God is holy; it
demands perfect obedience, failing which, it can pronounce nothing but the penalty.
You, like all men, have failed to obey that law, for it extends to the thoughts of the
heart--from the cradle to the grave--and needs a perfect man to obey its precepts. Your
condition is truly terrible, for you are under the curse! Your only hope is, not that you
may evade the claims or penalty of the law, but that the Lord Jesus had said in the
presence of His Father: "I will be Surety for him--of My hand shalt thou require him."
If you feel your helplessness; if you see yourself as a condemned rebel, yet see that God
is righteous Who taketh vengeance--then turn to the Lord Jesus Who came to save His
people from their sins. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.
Psalm 40:
pp. 227, 228
This Psalm, written by inspiration of God, gives us in the first place, David's own
experience as a saved sinner;  secondly, the experience of the redeemed in all
dispensations; and thirdly and chiefly, the heart utterances of the Lord when here on
earth. It may perhaps seem strange at first sight that this Psalm should speak of the
perfect, sinless, Holy One of God, but, if we keep in mind the passage considered in the
first article of this series in connection with Suretyship, we shall be the better able to
enter into its wonderful teaching. By nature man was in the "horrible pit", and to this
"pit" the spotless Son of God descended. He humbled Himself even to the death of the
cross, wherefore God hath highly exalted Him, and the Gates of Hell (or Hades, the
unseen place) could not prevail against Him.
Verses 6, 7 and 8 are quoted in Heb. 10: as the Lord's words, when He entered upon
His substitutionary work--when He Who was God over all, blessed for ever, became
flesh and tabernacled among us. Verse 8 makes it very clear that Christ was perfectly
righteous, and we must keep this in mind as we read verse 12--which speaks of "Mine
iniquities", and "My heart faileth Me". The sinless One speaks of "Mine iniquities"!
Here indeed we see the full extent of substitution. So completely does our Surety enter
into our position that, while in His Own nature perfectly sinless and righteous, He
graciously bears our sins in His Own Body on the tree, and there receives the stroke and
dies as the great Sin-bearer. Hallelujah--What a Saviour!
It should be noted that the passage does not speak of "our iniquities" but "Mine
iniquities". The Saviour can have no fellowship with us here, for He and He alone can
put away sin. He and His Father alone accomplished the work of Redemption. No man
is called upon to help; no one could do anything but mar such a work. Grace is supreme,
and the glory is the Lord's.
Let us look back now to verse 5. In this verse blessings are the theme, and they are
innumerable. In verse 12 sins are the theme, and they are more in number than the hairs