The Berean Expositor
Volume 28 - Page 96 of 217
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"Learn a parable of the Fig Tree."
pp. 202, 203
Students of Scripture and particularly students of prophecy, realize the important place
that the people of Israel occupy in the purpose of the ages. Since the call of Abraham,
with the one exception of the dispensation of the mystery, the people of Israel have
always been a factor to be reckoned with.
To those of us who have seen that the Book of Revelation speaks of a future "Day of
the Lord" and that a resumption of Kingdom purposes is foretold, any movement among
the Jews themselves, or against them by other nations, assumes an importance far greater
than the event justifies if considered merely historically. We believe that the seven
churches of Asia fall within the prophetic times of the last days, and will be very like the
church of the early Acts, and consist mainly of Jewish believers. This being so, we
cannot but take notice of a movement among Hebrew Christians, the object of which is to
consider the advisability of forming a Hebrew Christian Church.
A Commission was appointed some little time ago to consider:
What is the extent and distribution of Hebrew Christians?
The necessity or otherwise of a Hebrew Christian Church?
If such a Church is needed, what should be its Basis of faith and constitution?
The facts brought to the notice of the Commission led the members to the unanimous
conclusion that the formation of a Hebrew Christian Church is imperative.  The
Commission says:
"A Hebrew Christian Church has an historic and apostolic precedent, and its present
revival would give a status and incentive to Hebrew Christianity, and constitute a
valuable living witness to the Church, the Jews and the World in general, in respect to the
Faith as revealed in the Old and new Testaments."
In drawing up the Articles of Faith and Constitution, the Commission
"was mainly guided by the principle of keeping close to Synagogual worship, and the polity
of the Apostolic Church."
"In its recommended Constitution it kept the polity of the ancient faith and practice of
our fathers in view. It worked out a Presbyterian-Episcopal Polity because a majority
believe that in these two systems it comes nearest to the Apostolic Church."
We believe our readers will see in this movement a sign of the times, and will watch
with interest the progress or otherwise of this effort. It is not for us to praise or to blame,
but we are interested spectators of a movement that is vitally associated with all we hold
most dear.