The Berean Expositor
Volume 28 - Page 94 of 217
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"Him Whom they pierced", they have yet to go through their time of trouble, Jerusalem is
yet to be invested with armies before the times of restitution shall begin--nevertheless,
when we consider present events in Palestine we cannot help realizing that the sands of
time are running out.
Most of the material for this article has been supplied by an interesting book by
George T. B. Davis entitled: "Rebuilding Palestine According to Prophecy." Providing
that the reader substitutes for "according to prophecy" some such phrase as
"approximating to" or "anticipating prophecy", the book can be most warmly
Letter from Believing Jew in Palestine.
p. 103
The letter printed below is from a believer in Palestine. He signs himself: "I am
yours `Hid with Christ in God'," and the problems he has to face are very real.
"Please reply thru the medium of the `Berean Expositor' to the following:
Does a Jew cease to be a Jew when he believes on the Lord Jesus Christ?
Is he forbidden to circumcise his males on the eighth day?
Must he change his day of rest and worship from Saturday to Sunday?
Is he forbidden to celebrate with the rest of his people the Jewish feasts and
(5) Must he estrange himself from his people and their aspirations?
(6) Does he fall from grace by wishing to express his Jewishness?
(7) Is it possible for a pure-blooded Britisher to live and feel like a Chinaman or
vice versa even as saved people?
I am asking you all these questions because an article in your paper, entitled
`Israel's Privileges', created in me the confidence to do so. Thanking you in
advance, and eagerly awaiting your replies."
We have already replied to these questions as we do not think the reader of the Berean
Expositor would wish its pages to be occupied with matter so far removed from the
ministry of the mystery. We cannot feel however that such an enquiry can be treated
with indifference, for just as a straw shows the direction of a current, so an enquiry of this
nature--so reminiscent of the days and problems of the early Acts--is but another sign
that the sequel to the Pentecostal dispensation is about to be inaugurated, and that the
suspended hope of Israel is about to be reinstated.
Such things should but make us the more concerned that we buy up every opportunity
for making known the mystery, realizing that the time for such witness must be short.
The prayers of all readers are asked on behalf of the enquirer and for all who find
themselves in similar circumstances.