The Berean Expositor
Volume 28 - Page 2 of 217
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While the sphere of our blessings is "where Christ sitteth on the
right hand of God", we are reminded continually that we still walk
through the wilderness of this world, and it would be natural at this
time to emphasize such words as "crisis", "war", "depression" and
the like. We have, however, the exhortation to "set our minds on
things above", even as believers in another calling were exhorted
in similar circumstances to "lift up their heads".
Without therefore being unmindful of the signs of the times, we
still seek to fulfil the ministry that we have received, namely, "to
make all men see" (so far as it lies within our power) "What is the
dispensation of the mystery", leaving to others the liberty and
responsibility of dealing with matters which, though important, do
not come within the scope of this magazine.
We acknowledge gratefully the fellowship of many in making
this ministry possible, and look forward to another year of
testimony, confident that grace will still prove "all-sufficient".
Yours "looking for that blessed hope".
December, 1938.