The Berean Expositor
Volume 27 - Page 191 of 212
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In our next article we hope to conclude this brief survey of the Figures of Speech used
in Scripture, but would remind the reader that we shall only have been able to deal with a
tithe of the complete subject.
#30.  Figures of Speech.
Figures involving Change: "Feeling" and "Argumentation".
pp. 134 - 137
The figures that remain are those dealing with "Feeling" and "Argumentation". Under
the heading of "Feeling", twenty-three figures are listed;  and under the heading
"Argumentation", nineteen. We give a few examples of each kind.
Anamnesis or "Recalling"--from the Greek ana, "again" and mineskein, "to put in
mind".--An example occurs in Rom. 9: 3. According to the A.V., Paul expresses a
wish in this verse that in 8: 38, 39 he is persuaded could never be fulfilled. We
observe, however, that the verb "to wish" is in the imperfect tense and should be
translated "I used to wish". All is then clear. The apostle recalls the time when he too
acted as his fellow-countrymen were still acting, and so, instead of bitterly accusing
them, he looks at them with sympathy and with tears, realizing the grace that alone has
made the difference in his own attitude.
It should, perhaps, be mentioned here that many commentators do not adopt the
rendering "I used to wish" given above, but adhere to the text of the A.V. For a fuller
discussion of this point the reader is referred to the series on The Epistle to the Romans,
No.65, which will appear in the August issue.
It would be a good thing if we all practiced the figure of Anamnesis more often. In
Eph. 2: 11 we have the apostle's call to "remember"; and many a time it would be
salutary for us to remember the pit from which we were taken.
Other Figures of Feeling, which we cannot now consider, deal with Blessing, Prayer,
Exhortation, Wishing, Exclamation, Reprimand, Imprecation, and the like.
Erotesis or "Interrogating", from erotan, "to ask".--Dr. Bullinger draws attention to
the fact that out of the 1,189 chapters of the Bible, there are only 453 which are without a
question, and that there are no less than 3,298 questions. No system of sub-division
seems quite adequate or complete. Many attempts have been made, but overlapping or
omission seem almost inevitable. Dr. Bullinger suggests a system of 19 classes, e.g.:--
Positive Affirmation.--"Wilt not Thou deliver my feet from falling?"
Negative Affirmation.--"Is not the whole land before thee?"
Affirmative Negation.--"Is anything too hard for the Lord?"