The Berean Expositor
Volume 27 - Page 186 of 212
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Hypocatastasis, for in an Allegory the comparison is substituted and implied. A Parable
is a continuation of the Simile.
#28.  Figures of Speech.
Figures involving Change: "As to Persons."
pp. 49 - 52
We cannot, in this series, deal with all the varied Figures of Change involving sense,
of which Simile, Metaphor, and Implication are the most important cases.  Other
examples, however, that should be included by the interested student are the following:--
PARABOLA (or PARABLE).--Comparison by continued resemblance.
PAROEMIA (or PROVERB).--A wayside saying in common use.
TYPE.--A figure of something future.
SYMBOL.--A material subject substituted for a moral or spiritual truth.
GNOME  (or  QUOTATION).--A subject of great importance, and partly
explored in the series  "The  Volume  of the  Book"--See
Volumes XXII and XXIII.
EIRONEIA (or IRONY).--An expression that conveys its opposite.
OXYMORON (or WISE-FOLLY).--A wise saying that seems foolish.
IDIOMA.--The peculiar usage of words and phrases.  A vast subject, and
occupying forty pages in Dr. Bullinger's work.
With this brief notice, we must leave those figures that deal with "sense", and turn to
those figures of change that deal with persons. There are five cases:--
PROSOPOPOEIA (or PERSONIFICATION).--Things represented as persons.
as inanimate things.
CONDESCENSION).--Ascription of human
attributes to God.
ANTIMETATHESIS (or DIALOGUE).--A transference of speakers.
ASSOCIATION (or INCLUSION).--When the writer associates himself with
those whom he addresses.
Prosopopoeia is made up of the Greek words prosopon, "face" or "person", and
poiein, "to make". This figure may be subdivided into six classes:--
Those that use the members of the human body.
Products of the earth.
Inanimate things.
Kingdoms, countries and states.
Human actions, etc.
We will give one or two examples under each of these headings:--