The Berean Expositor
Volume 27 - Page 166 of 212
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"In Christ" and "With Christ".
pp. 38, 39
The testimony to be considered in this article cannot, we feel, be adequately presented
without quoting from the letter concerned. We do not propose to disclose the identity of
any of our correspondents in this series, but in this particular case, as our brother (since
deceased) printed and published his testimony to the glorious truths of the Mystery, and
was in many ways called upon to pay the price of faithfulness, it may be that the writer
will be recognized.
We are glad to be able to record this testimony, which is not only concerned with the
dispensation value of the words "With Christ", but also fully rejoices in the grace that
resides in the doctrinal phrase "In Christ".
"As you have opened a column in the B.E. for a series of articles based upon the
testimony of readers as to the particular passage of Scripture that was used to enlighten
them as to the unique character of the dispensation of the mystery, I want to add mine if it
could be of any service.
God has got His own and different ways in leading His elect to the knowledge of the
truth. With reference to my personal leading:
I was in Church service for about fourteen years, but was never at rest and satisfied
with the doctrine of salvation as interpreted by the Church and preached by myself.
While I preached to others, I myself did not enjoy the rest of heart and assurance that
salvation ought to bring to the sinner. A dear brother from overseas, Pastor Beaupré,
visited the Town where I tried to minister the gospel. Happily I was not too conservative
to act as his interpreter at his services, interpreting from English into Dutch.
The gospel of the finished work of Christ as preached by him struck my seeking soul
at once, and gave me a fuller understanding of a salvation by grace without the
meritorious works of man. The scripture passages then used to put my feet on an eternal
rock of truth were the two most precious words in Scripture, so often repeated in Paul's
epistles, viz. "IN CHRIST", to which very soon the other preposition was added, viz.
"WITH CHRIST". These two scripture words spoke volumes to me, as it involves our
glorious position "Complete in Him". Our union with Christ became and will remain the
one great subject of meditation. Oh! that wonderful God-created union, with our blessed
Lord, exalted far above principality and power. How it lifts our hearts in adoration to the
God of love and all grace! How shall we realize to the full that work of grace? The
traditional church doctrine of salvation mingled with so much meritorious works was left
behind for the doctrine of the grace of God, as taught in His own Word. Tradition (the
grave clothes) lost its hold (what grace!) and I was at once on the liberated road from
where I could view scriptural truth as it is written. (The suffering involved in that
gracious liberation of God I hardly need mention).
The next scripture passage that brought fuller light was Eph. 1: 3: `Blessed be the
God and Father . . . . . Who hath blessed us', etc.
The original scripture passage used to lead me to the knowledge of the dispensation of
the mystery was the oft-repeated "IN CHRIST"; after that, "WITH CHRIST"; and
Eph. 1: 3.