The Berean Expositor
Volume 27 - Page 94 of 212
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When the new Japan was in the making, the Lord Hotta, one of its founders, laid down
the line to be followed:--
Our object must always be to lay the foundation for securing hegemony over all
nations. We must, when we are strong, punish the nations which are contrary to the
principle. We must declare our protection over harmless nations. The nations of the
world will come to look up to our Emperor as the Great Ruler of all the nations. They
will follow our policy and submit to our judgment.
That was in 1858.
"In the middle of the twentieth century Japan will meet Europe on the plains of Asia
and wrest from her the mastery of the world", said Prime Minister Count Okuma.
That was in 1915.
"Our great missions from heaven are to promote our national expansion and to liberate
the peoples of the Orient, who are groaning under the oppression of the white race",
wrote General Tada, Commander of the Japanese Army in China.
That was in 1936.
And the Japanese who dies for this mission, whether criminal or good man, general or
private or common citizen, at the moment of shouting `Banzai' to the Emperor, becomes
united in the Great Life of the Universe and lives for ever as a guardian deity of the
For forty years Japan has been patiently, steadily, unremittingly, preparing the
conquest of China. She has attacked from without, she has undermined from within: she
has advanced, paused, even retreated:  she has use money and arms, threats and
cajolements. The means have been skillfully varied: the end has never changed.
Already she has carved out of China a continental empire far larger than her own
territory. She took Formosa and the Pescadores in 1895, the Liaotung peninsula in 1905;
she annexed Korea in 1910.
Those were the prelude. In 1931 came the big advance. In less than five years Japan
had conquered and brought under her own dominion the three provinces of Manchuria,
Jehol, and Chahar. She controls Hopei and Seiyuan, and can take them when she
chooses. An area as big as half Europe, with a population as big as that of Germany,
containing one of the biggest cities in Asia, with incalculable resources.
Mussolini's conquest of Abyssinia is petty larceny by comparison with this great steal.
Checked for the moment in Mongolia, the drive has turned again southward towards
the heart of China. But it may turn, it may be forced to turn, westward again, to deal with
the Chinese Communist armies (no negligible force) which are now in Shenshi and
Suppose (it is more than likely) that Tokyo orders an "anti-Red" campaign: that the
Red Armies (which are Chinese peasant armies) retreat westward to the Mongolian
border: that they ask aid in their extremity from the Russians? Supposing a dozen other
alternatives? Every time you come back to the stark facts. Japan, under the double
influence of economic need and religious fervour, is moving forward steadily,
unceasingly to the conquest of China, of all the East, of all Asia.