The Berean Expositor
Volume 27 - Page 87 of 212
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Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled. Though the mountains shake with the
swelling thereof. Selah (i.e., "Look on this picture; now look on that").
There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, The holy place
of the tabernacle of the Most High" (Psa. 46:).
The passage speaks of the contrast between the roaring torrent falling 1300 feet from
Azal to the Dead Sea, the moving of the mountains and other accompaniments of this
great moment, and the river of living waters that flows out from the holy place at
We must bring this article to a close, particularly as the subject is not one that comes
strictly within the orbit of our ministry. Enough, we trust, has been brought forward to
throw some light on another feature of the last days.
There is, however, one further point which may be mentioned in conclusion. The only
reserve that we might feel over accepting Major Phillips' map is that, whereas he shows
no water-way other than that of the Mediterranean, the prophecy speaks also of living
waters that issue out from Jerusalem. This calls for some adjustment, which may not be
possible with our present knowledge. The fact, however, remains that Major Phillips has
put forward something that appears to be in general harmony with the Word, however
incomplete the scheme may be. If all the details do not prove to be correct, the general
teaching of prophecy concerning the land of Israel leaves us perfectly certain that in the
glorious kingdom yet to come, God will not only blot out man's canal at Suez, but will
make His own at Azal, and moreover sweeten the Dead Sea, so providing a symbol of
blessing for the whole earth.
"All faiths" instead of "The faith of God's elect".
pp. 21, 22
We have considered in the preceding articles a few of the outstanding features that
characterize the last days. We have gathered that an anti-christian system of worship will
predominate, that Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Persia, the Mediterranean, and of course
Palestine, will figure largely at the time of the end, and that great and even catastrophic
changes must be expected in some parts of the earth, particularly in the neighbourhood of
Egypt, Assyria and Palestine. Moreover, the "kings of the east" are mentioned
(Rev. 16: 12). The exact identity of these kings we do not present know. It is clear that
Japan will probably play an important part in any future international dispute, but
whether Japan will be one of these "kings" we do not pretend to say. Some think that the
names Meshech, Tubal, and Rosh (translated "Chief prince" in Ezek. 38: 2) refer to
Moscow, Tobolsk and Russia. But this again we must confess we do not know. The
LXX uses names here that refer to nations inhabiting the district round about the
Caucasus. God and Magog in the same verse (Ezek. 38: 2) refer to some nation or
nations north of Palestine.