The Berean Expositor
Volume 27 - Page 60 of 212
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"by lot" as the Priest alone had the "Urim and Thummim". There is, however, something
more than this to be learnt. We have here a prophetic foreshadowing of the day when the
Lord Jesus Christ shall fulfil the words of Zechariah:
"He shall sit and rule upon His throne: and He shall be a Priest upon His throne, and
the counsel of peace shall be between them both" (Zech. 6: 13).
The Gospel according to Matthew sets forth the Lord first as the Son of David, the
King (Matt. 1: - 16: 20), and then (Matt. 16: 21 - 28:) as the Son of Abraham, the
Offering (and also the Priest). In the Book of the Revelation these offices are combined,
for He Who is "Prince of the kings of the earth" (Rev. 1: 5) is seen also as the Great High
Priest (Rev. 1: 12, 13).
The second feature of prophetic importance is the fact that the statement, "The land
had rest from war" (Josh. 14: 15) is made during the first sabbatic year of Israel's
history, and is a pledge and foreshadowing of the "rest that remaineth to the people of
God", the thousand years of peace before the end (Rev. 20:).
The structure of Josh. 14: and 15: alternates the whole tribe of Judah and the
allotment of their inheritance, with Caleb the Overcomer; and at the end the whole tribe
are placed in contrast with Caleb, for they fail as Overcomers in the matter of the
Josh. 15: 1-12 is of importance as a legal document, but we do not feel that a detailed
examination of these geographical boundaries would justify the space involved. We
draw attention, however, to the following points, which are of interest to all the people of
(1) No writer who did not possess first-hand information would expose himself to
detection as the writer of Josh. 15: had done. The detailed account of the country, the
names of the cities and the added comments are evidence that the Book of Joshua cannot
have been a "pious forgery".
(2) The size of the territory allotted to Judah was a piece of country about 45 miles in
length by 50 miles in breadth, and it is clear from the chapter that the land literally
teemed with people.
Colonel Condor writes:
"The geographical chapters (of Joshua) are most clearly explained by the aid of the
long list of 119 towns conquered by Thothmes 3: in Palestine before the Exodus. We
thus are able to prove that many of them were standing long before the Hebrew conquest.
Others are mentioned in the Canaanite letters (found at Tel-el-Amarna) as already
(See Volume VI, page 140 for fuller details).