The Berean Expositor
Volume 27 - Page 37 of 212
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Fruits of Fundamental Studies.
Creation implies a purpose.
pp. 41 - 44
Nearly twenty years ago, the series of studies entitled "Fundamentals of
Dispensational Truth" commenced, the first article appearing on Page 1 of Volume 6:
After a few introductory studies dealing with the principle of right division, the meaning
of the "ages" and kindred subjects, the Book of Genesis was opened, and from that time
to this, the studies have proceeded, giving attention to structure and theme, type and
shadow, but of necessity passing over many allied subjects without comment. We have
no intention of discontinuing the series, for we believe nothing can compensate for a
first-hand acquaintance with "all Scripture", and we are sure that these studies have
proved a great help to many. We feel, however, that the time is ripe for using the
material thus assembled; and we can now with freedom select our passages, knowing
that the books as a whole have been analysed, and that the structures are at hand
whenever they are wanted.
Beginning with God as Creator and man as creature, yet made in the image of God, it
is evident that God and His relation to man, and man and his relation to God must be very
near the starting point of all our attempts to apprehend His Word and ways. Arising out
of this relationship, many questions present themselves for consideration, which must be
answered if we are rightly to understand the great doctrines of the faith. The question of
how far God's omnipotence is above or subservient to right, and the question of how far
His omnipotence allows freedom to man, demands an answer. Does foreknowledge
mean foreordination? Can a moral agent be responsible if he is not free? These and
kindred themes arise out of the simple facts and relationships of creation, Creator and
creature. The presence and the problem of sin, the meaning of "good and evil", the
Divine method of the removal of sin and the reconciliation of the sinner, are subjects that
meet us at every turn, in the record of historic facts, in the institution of type and
ceremony, and in the foreshadowing of prophetic word and deed.
Creation being the starting point, let us use what space we have in this article to get a
Scriptural idea of what is meant by the word "create". The popular idea of "something
out of nothing" may be a fit subject for philosophical debate, but if our guide is the
Scriptures we shall be spared the necessity of pursuing this theme, for there is not a single
passage from one end of the Scriptures to the other that raises the question, "Where did
matter come from?" The Scriptures begin, not with the creation of "the stuff of the
worlds", but with the creation of "the heaven and the earth".
While, therefore, modern teaching concerning the atom and the fact that solid objects
are nothing more than "bundles of force", enable one to see that the visible, tangible
creation may after all be but the expression in terms of physics of the mind, will and
power of the invisible God, this theme, though intensely interesting and attractive, finds
little basis in the Scriptures themselves. The same thing is true of God Himself. The