The Berean Expositor
Volume 25 - Page 186 of 190
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#20.  Figures of Speech.
Figures involving addition (continued).
pp. 241 - 245
The figure called Epanadiplosis, or "Encircling", was known not only to the Greeks,
but to the Jews, for the Massorah contains two lists of its use (See Dr. Ginsburg's
Massorah). We give one example from the N.T. in an amended version. It must be
explained that in the A.V. the word pneuma is translated both "wind" and "spirit" in this
verse, but never translated "wind" elsewhere. Also, the word for "sound" is literally
"voice"; and "listeth" is "willeth". Thus we read:--
"THE SPIRIT breatheth where He willeth, and thou hearest His voice, but thou
knowest not whence He cometh or whither He goeth: so is every one that is born of
THE SPIRIT" (John 3: 8).
The figure is called "Encircling", because the word with which the sentence opens is
repeated at the close.
Climax, or "Gradation", is the name given to that figure of speech by which the mind
is conducted by a series of upward steps to a conclusion. The Greek word klimax means
a ladder. We cannot, very easily, print passages so that the eye shall ascend, but that is
the mental picture we should have of this figure:--
"We glory also in
TRIBULATIONS: knowing that
PATIENCE (worketh)
EXPERIENCE (worketh)
HOPE: and
HOPE maketh not ashamed" (Rom. 5: 3-5).
Symploce, or "Intertwining", is the name given to the figure of speech in which there
is a repetition of different words in successive sentences, without change of either order
or sense:--
"IT IS SOWN in corruption;
IT IS RAISED in incorruption.
IT IS SOWN in dishonour;
IT IS RAISED in glory.
IT IS SOWN in weakness;
IT IS RAISED in power.
IT IS SOWN a natural body;
IT IS RAISED a spiritual body" (I Cor. 15: 42-44).