The Berean Expositor
Volume 25 - Page 174 of 190
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"When the commandment came"
(Being a series of articles based upon the testimony of readers as
to the particular passage of Scripture that was used to enlighten
them as to the unique character of the Dispensation of the Mystery).
The Hope of the calling.
pp. 111, 112
We have chronicled in this series different passages of Scripture which have been used
to bring conviction of the truth of the mystery, and, enlightenment to the mind as to its
unique character. We have found that no two persons are alike in their approach to
Scripture, and no two persons seem to be influenced in exactly the same way. Certain
passages that have been brought forward may have appeared to some as rather remote
from the subject; the one we are now to record, however, is a passage that is quite to the
point. The reader whose experience we draw upon here was puzzled at the passage in
Acts 13: 46, which records the apostle as saying "Lo, we turn to the Gentiles". Did this
mean that the dispensation changed at that time and place? Were the Jews set aside from
Acts 13: onward? Did the dispensation of the grace of God to the Gentiles then
The opening verse of Acts 14: prevents us from believing that the words of
Acts 13: 46 were addressed to the whole nation, for we find Paul once more following
his custom and going to the synagogue of the Jews. After meditating upon the subject
and searching the Scriptures further, our reader realized that the words of the apostle in
Acts 28: 20 indicated that the hope of Israel covered the period of the Acts from
beginning to end, and that the nation-wide rejection of Israel did not take place until the
apostle had so solemnly spoken to the leaders of the Jews in Rome. What had been
foreshadowed in Acts 13: 40-46 now took place. The essential point that our brother
realized was that "hope" and "calling" are allied. The "one hope" of the calling of the
dispensation of the mystery could not possibly be connected with the hope of Israel.
While the one remained in force, the other was not revealed. As soon as he saw this
relation of "hope" and "calling", and its bearing upon the dispensational character of the
Acts, and of the epistles written during that period, all was clear, and the joy of a clearly
understood position before the Lord was his.
We commend to  every reader  this line of approach,  both for their own
enlightenment and confirmation, and for the help of enquirers. Bring together every
passage of Scripture written during the Acts and in the epistles of the period (Galatians,
I and II Thessalonians, Hebrews, I and II Corinthians and Romans) that deals with the
hope before Israel and the church at that time, and the issue will be clear. Seek from
Scripture the answer to the question, "What is the hope of the calling" that is in view, and
this answer will lead to clearer views of dispensational truth.