The Berean Expositor
Volume 25 - Page 128 of 190
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The reader may remember that we drew attention in the preceding article to the fact that it
is "justification" that is set over against "condemnation" in Rom. 5: 16, 18 and 8: 1-4,
and not "sanctification".  In all this, of course, we have no word to say against
sanctification--as the reader will see from the articles under that heading. What we seek
to do is to keep each truth in its appointed place, and thus to be unashamed of our work.
The structure of Rom. 8: 1-4 shows most clearly the one and only ground of our
exemption from condemnation:--
Romans 8: 1-4.
A | 1. NO CONDEMNATION. In Christ Jesus.
B | a | 2. The two laws. |
The law of the spirit of life.
The law of sin and death.
b | 3. What the law could not do. |
The law, weak through the flesh.
God, sending His Son in the flesh.
A | 3. CONDEMNATION. In the flesh.
B |
b | 4. What has been done. |
The righteousness of the law.
Fulfilled in us.
a | 4. The two walks. |
Who walk not after the flesh.
But after the spirit.
We are saved by hope (8: 24), we are waiting for the adoption (8: 23), we groan
within ourselves together with the whole creation (8: 23), but we do not have to await
the day of glory to be sure that condemnation is for ever past. "There is, therefore, now
no condemnation." Let us not miss this blessed fact:--
"But NOW the righteousness of God without the law is manifested" (Rom. 3: 21).
"Being NOW justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath" (Rom. 5: 9).
"By Whom we have NOW received the reconciliation" (Rom. 5: 11).
"But NOW being made free from sin . . . ye have your fruit unto holiness" (Rom. 6: 22).
"The life I NOW live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God" (Gal. 2: 20).
We are acquitted now, we are free from condemnation now. Without the assurance of
a present position of acceptance before God, sanctification, growth in grace, service and
walk would be impossible. We should still be "in the flesh" and so unable to please God.
The passage in Rom. 6: 22 quoted above gives us the true sequence:--
Now made free from sin.
Become servants to God.
Fruit unto holiness.
The end, everlasting life.
The words, "In Christ Jesus", belong not only to the statement of verse 1; they are
equally necessary when revealing the power that accomplishes this deliverance, as