The Berean Expositor
Volume 25 - Page 26 of 190
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We must now indicate the relation of the two parts of Joel's prophecy, quoted by
Peter, showing the present interval. This of course was not mentioned by Peter, for the
times and the seasons which the Father had put in His own power had not been revealed
to him. We, too, only know that a new dispensation fills the gap, because Paul, the
prisoner of Jesus Christ, has made known the fact.
Joel 2: 28-31.
A | I will POUR out My Spirit
(1) Upon all flesh.
(2) Sons.
(3) Daughters.
The last days.
(4) Old Men.
}  Seven-fold beginning at Pentecost.
(5) Young Men.
"The powers of the age to come."
(6) Servants.
(7) Handmaids.
B | Present Interval.--Israel not repentant.
B | Future Day.--Israel repent and look upon Him whom they pierced.
A | I will SHOW wonders
(1) Heavens.
(2) Earth.
(3) Blood.
Seven-fold conclusion.
(4) Fire.
}  Wonders, as spoken of in the Apocalypse,
(5) Pillars of smoke.
and Isa. 13: 9, 10.
(6) Sun.
(7) Moon.
Referring to the structure of Acts 2: 14 - 8: 1 given on pages 211-212, we discover
that Peter's explanation of Pentecost occupies Acts 2: 14-47. We now observe that his
passage falls into two parts, Acts 2: 14-40 being Peter's address, and Acts 2: 41-47
recording the effect it had upon his hearers. For the moment we must confine ourselves
to the address itself. We find that it is a threefold appeal, punctuated by references to
Acts 2: 14-40.
A1 | 14, 15. Ye men of JUDÆA and all JERUSALEM.
B1 | 16-21. JOEL'S WITNESS.
Baptism of spirit. \
Whosoever call.
}  The Lord.
Shall be saved.
A2 | 22. Ye men of ISRAEL.
B2 | 22-35. DAVID'S WITNESS.
David speaks of Him (Psa. 16:).
David dead and buried,
\  Jesus of Nazareth.
but a prophet and spake of Him (Psa. cxxxii).  /
This Jesus.
David not ascended but spake of Him (Psa. 110:). /
A3 | 36. All the HOUSE of ISRAEL.
B3 | 37-40. GOD'S WITNESS.
Baptism and gift of holy spirit.  \
The called.
The same Jesus
Save yourselves.
/  both Lord and Christ.