The Berean Expositor
Volume 24 - Page 120 of 211
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Romans 6: 15-23.
A | 15. | a | Not under law.
b | But under grace.
B1 | 16-18. Freedom from sin.
c1 | All are either servants to sin or to righteousness.
d1 | The deciding factor. Obedience.
c2 | Ye were the servants of sin.
d2 | Ye obeyed from the heart.
c3 | Being freed from sin.
d3 | Ye became servants unto righteousness.
B2 | 19, 20. Freedom unto righteousness.
e | Just as.
f | Members yielded to uncleanness.
g | Unto iniquity.
e | So.
f | Members yielded to righteousness.
g | Unto holiness.
B3 | 21, 22. Freedom from sin.
h | Fruit--shame.
i | End--death.
j | Freed from sin.
j | Servants unto God.
h | Fruit--holiness.
i | End--life.
A | 23. | a | Wages--death (law).
b | Gift--life (grace).
There is so much teaching in the small compass of these few verses, that unless
we follow some definite plan our space will be insufficient. The disposition of the
subject-matter in the structure is a safe guide to our investigations, and we will therefore
endeavour to open up the apostle's teaching under the several heads indicated above.
The whole section is bounded by the distinction between law and grace:--
A | 15. | a |
Not under law.
| But under grace.
A | 23. | a |
Wages--death (law).
| Gift--life (grace).
What is stated by the apostle in verse 15 is brought to a logical conclusion in verse 23
by a reference to the ends of the two systems. In the intervening verses (16-22) the
subject is reasoned out with particular reference to the nature of service.
It should be noted that there is no article before the word "law" in the original; it
simply reads "Not under law".
Generally speaking, ho nomos ("the law") indicates the law of Moses: while nomos
("law") indicates legalism of any kind.  Rom. 6: confines itself to "law" without the
article, which, while including the law of Moses, embraces law of any and every kind.