The Berean Expositor
Volume 24 - Page 7 of 211
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"To whom shall we go?"
p. 200
"With eager knife that oft has sliced
At Gentile gloss or Jewish fable,
Before the crowd you lay the Christ
Upon the lecture table.
From bondage to the old beliefs
You say your rescue must begin;
But I want refuge from my grief
And saving from my sin.
The strong, the easy and the glad
Hang, blandly listening, on thy word;
But I am sick, and I am sad
And I want Thee, O Lord"
"I have a life in Christ to live,
But ere I live it must I wait
Till learning can clear answer give
Of this or that book's date?
I have a life in Christ to live,
I have a death in Christ to die;
And must I wait till science gives
All doubts a full reply?
Nay rather, while the sea of doubt
Is raging wildly round about,
Questing of Life, of Death, of Sin;
Let me but creep within
Thy fold, O Christ, and at Thy feet
Take up the lowest seat
And hear Thy awful voice repeat
In gentlest accents, heavenly sweet,
Come unto Me and rest,
Believe Me, and be blest"