The Berean Expositor
Volume 23 - Page 174 of 207
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Regarding punctuation they say:--
"Our practice has been to maintain what is sometimes called the heavier system of
stopping, or in other words, that system which, especially for convenience in reading
aloud, suggests pauses as will best ensure a clear and intelligent setting forth of the true
meaning of the words. This course has rendered necessary, especially in the Epistles,
a larger use of colons and semicolons than is customary in modern English printing."
Finally, attention is drawn to the list of readings and renderings preferred by the
American Committee, recorded at their desire. These are printed immediately after the
book of the Revelation and should not be omitted by the earnest reader.
Having now given some idea of the work undertaken by the Revision of 1881, we
hope, in subsequent articles, to draw the reader's attention to some of the advantages that
accrue from a comparison of the Authorized and Revised Versions.