The Berean Expositor
Volume 23 - Page 169 of 207
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This is not the place to go into all the teaching that resides in this passage of
Matt. 27: We have dealt with it as a sample of the way in which the O.T. is quoted in
the N.T., and have endeavoured, incidentally, to inculcate that careful regard for all
which is "written" that will lead the reader steadily on where others, lacking that absolute
confidence in the utter trustworthiness of all Scripture, have missed their way.
"Learning" may not always lead to a "knowledge of the truth".  A God-given
"repentance", or "change of mind", involving a childlike simplicity rather than a
scholar's profundity, is needed to arrive at the "knowledge of the truth" (II Tim. 3: 7
and 2: 25).
Here we must conclude this survey of the quotations from the O.T. as found in the
N.T., trusting that what, at the first, may have seemed a slight matter has now, in
measure, been shown to have the important place that it really occupied.
#22.  The Revised Version.
"To increase its fidelity without destroying its charm"
(Revisers' note).
pp. 194 - 197
Before we allow the Revised Version to speak for itself, we feel bound to give some
sort of prefatory note, lest our endeavour to be fair and to give all the credit possible
should be misconstrued as unreserved commendation.
Dr. Robert Young wrote:--
"This Revised Version will disappoint all parties interested in the work, the advanced
or sceptical party, who expect to find old doctrines erased, or new ones introduced,
the conservative party, who cling to old terms and phrases, as well as the earnest
inquiring party who wish to find a reliable standard to test the conflicting statements of
commentators and critics."
If a canvass of opinion were taken we believe the result would show that the
"Modernist" on the whole favours the R.V., while the "Fundamentalist" favours the A.V.
That there are many errors in the A.V., students of all shades of opinion would agree;
and that there are corrections of considerable value in the R.V. all would acknowledge;
and yet, in spite of all this, there is something about the R.V. repellent and chilling which
leaves the reader unsatisfied and suspicious.
After we have set forth the reasons why every student should be acquainted with the
R.V. we shall be obliged, in faithfulness, to point out some grievous departures from
sound doctrine and some unwarranted interference with the Greek text that prevent us
from giving anything like wholehearted commendation to this great work. The human
channels also have to be considered; and when we learn that one of the Revisers was a