The Berean Expositor
Volume 23 - Page 157 of 207
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Under the second heading (2:) where a spiritual rather than literal fulfillment is
intended, Horne gives the following list:--
O.T. reference.
Cited and applied in.
Gen. 14: 18, 20.
Heb. 7: 1-10.
Gen. 15: 5.
Rom. 4: 18.
Gen. 16: 15.
Gal. 4: 22.
Gen. 17: 4.
Rom. 4: 17.
Gen. 18: 10.
Rom. 9: 9.
Gen. 21: 1-3.
Gal. 4: 22, etc.
Gen. 21: 12.
Rom. 9: 7.
Gen. 25: 23.
Rom. 9: 12.
Exod. 16: 13-15.
John 6: 31, 49; I Cor. 10: 3.
Exod. 17: 6; Numb. 20: 11.
I Cor. 10: 4.
Exod. 19: 6.
I Pet. 2: 9.
Exod. 24: 8.
Heb. 9: 20.
Lev. 26: 11, 12.
II Cor. 6: 16.
Numb. 21: 8, 9.
John 3: 14.
Deut. 21: 23.
Gal. 3: 13.
Deut. 32: 21.
Rom. 10: 19.
II Sam. 7: 14.
Heb. 1: 5.
Psa. 2: 9.
Rev. 2: 27.
Psa. 8: 4-6.
Heb. 2: 6-8.
Psa. 8: 6.
I Cor. 15: 27.
Psa. 18: 49.
Rom. 15: 9.
Psa. 35: 19; lxix 4; 109: 3.
John 15: 25.
Psa. 40: 6-8.
Heb. 10: 5-7.
Psa. 69: 9.
John 2: 17.
Psa. 104: 4.
Heb. 1: 7.
Isa. 40: 6, 7.
I Pet. 1: 24, 25.
Isa. 52: 7; Nahum 1: 15.
Rom. 10: 15.
Isa. 54: 1.
Gal. 4: 27.
Isa. 64: 4.
I Cor. 2: 9.
Jonah 1: 17; 2: 1; 3: 5.
Luke 11: 30, 32; Matt. 12: 40, 41.
Hab. 2: 3.
Heb. 10: 37.
Hab. 2: 4.
Rom. 1: 17; Gal. 3: 11; Heb. 10: 38.
Under heading (3:), where the quotation is one of illustration rather than of direct
fulfillment, Horne gives the following:--
O.T. reference.
Cited in.
Gen. 15: 5.
Rom. 4: 18.
Gen. 15: 6.
Rom. 4: 3; Gal. 3: 6; James 2: 23.
Gen. 18: 10.
Rom. 9: 9.
Gen. 19: 15, 26.
Luke 17: 28, 29, 32.
Gen. 21: 12.
Rom. 9: 7.
Gen. 25: 33.
Heb. 12: 16.
Gen. 27: 28, etc.
Heb. 11: 20; 12: 17.
Exod. 9: 16.
Rom. 9: 17.
Exod. 32: 6.
I Cor. 10: 7.
Exod. 33: 19.
Rom. 9: 15.
Lev. 11: 45.
I Pet. 1: 16.
Lev. 18: 5.
Rom. 10: 5; Gal. 3: 12.