The Berean Expositor
Volume 23 - Page 130 of 207
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becomes the All-sufficiency of His people, carrying with it the pledge that He will
accomplish all His purpose. As Eloah this almighty and all-bountiful God is in His holy
temple, where we gaze upon Him as the supreme Object of all worship and all praise.
The title El Elyon emphasizes His exaltation: He is the Most High, with Whom none can
compare.  Great was the influence upon Abraham of the two revelations of God's
character, which His names El Shaddai and El Elyon enshrine (see Gen. 14: 22 and
Gen. 17: 1).
The almighty One is also made known by the word Elohim, a plural noun that
frequently takes a singular verb, warning us that we must not reason from the nature of
man to the nature of God. This title associates God with creation, and by its derivation
associates that creation with a mighty oath and purpose, and so glances at the rebellion of
the anointed cherub before the creation of Adam (Ezek. 28:).
Jehovah is the name of God "for the age". In its import it spans all time, being
composed of the parts of speech that indicate future, present and past. The Almighty
God, Who is the Most High and All-sufficient, has entered into covenant relationships
with His people, particularly in the matter of sin and death, and in these characters is
closely associated with that sphere of His divine purpose which is covered by
redemption.  As redemption could only be accomplished by a "Kinsman", the title
"Jehovah" belongs to the Lord Jesus, "God manifest in the flesh".
Jah indicates God in the accomplishment of His great purpose--"He is become my
salvation"--while the close association of the title in Psa. 68: With the ascension of
Christ emphasizes the fact that the work is indeed "finished".
This mighty God and covenant-keeping Lord is indeed Master and Owner, ruling in
the affairs of men, and yet to be the acknowledged King of kings and Lord of lords.
With the glimmerings of truth that these studies bring, can we not say with truth:
"O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth."
As we gather up all these wondrous revelations of the God Who has made Himself
known in the Scriptures, is it not an unspeakable mercy for any one of us to be able to say
with unfeigned faith: "This God is our God."