The Berean Expositor
Volume 23 - Page 8 of 207
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It shall be our blessedness together to consider, in subsequent articles, some of these
distinctive Biblical blessings. May the Lord make us rich in so doing.
The blessing that accompanies confession (Psa. 32: 1-5).
pp. 231 - 234
Let us commence our review of some biblical blessings at the book of the Psalms, and
divide up our subject according to the five-fold division of that book. The sign that
marks off these divisions is a double Amen, which we find at the end of Psa. 41:; lxxii;
89: and *cvi. (*only one here). Book I therefore comprises Psa. 1:-41:, and in it
we have four distinct biblical blessings: blessings that are from the Lord, that make rich,
and that add no sorrow:--
The blessedness of
CONSISTENCY (Psa. 1: 1).
The blessedness of
CONFIDENCE (Psa. 2: 12; 34: 8; and 40: 4).
The blessedness of
CONFESSION (Psa. 32: 1-5).
The blessedness of
Instead of starting at Psa. 1:, let us commence at Psa. 32:, where all must begin,
with a blessing that must be known and enjoyed before any manifestation of life and
grace is possible:--
"Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the
man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile"
(Psa. 32: 1, 2).
The Psalm is divided into four portions by the word Selah. Among the purposes
which Selah fulfils is the useful one of calling upon the reader to pause, think of what has
been said, and compare with what immediately follows. Without burdening the reader of
these simple lines with an elaborate structure of the Psalms, we feel that the arrangement
of its parts, as indicated by the recurring Selah, is too important to pass over:--
1-4 . . . . .
Blessedness. Contrasted with grief.
Selah. Think of this. Now consider what follows.
Acknowledgment and Confession.
Selah. See the progress, how Confession leads to Praise.
6, 7 . . . . .
Prayer and Song.
Selah. Then shall I teach transgressors Thy ways, said David.
8-11 . . . . .
Subsequent Instruction.
The Psalmist speaks of "transgression", "sin", and "iniquity",  and he may well
have had Exod. 34: 7 in mind. There (in Exod. 34:) the Lord reveals His glory,
His goodness and His grace.