The Berean Expositor
Volume 23 - Page 6 of 207
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Biblical blessings.
#1.  "The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich,
and He addeth no sorrow with it" (Prov. 10: 22).
pp. 197 - 199
Pursuing our intention of including, in the articles appearing in this periodical,
ministry of a more simple character, as a set-off to the somewhat harder reading that the
nature of our witness often necessitates, we draw attention to a series of "Biblical
blessings" found in the Scriptures, believing that the contemplation of such cannot but be
an encouragement to us all.
At the outset we are met with the fact that the Scriptures, as translated into English,
present to the reader two words, "happy" and "blessed", as the translation of ashere in the
Hebrew, and makarios in the Greek. The two conceptions in the words "happy" and
"blessed" need to be kept apart. To be strictly applicable to the believer, "happy", in its
English constituents, contains too much the idea of that which falls out by "hap". It
would, however, introduce the very feature we wish to avoid in these particular articles,
were we to conduct the reader along the paths of enquiry that lead to a true differentiation
of ashere and barak in the Hebrew, and eulogeo-etos and makarios-izo in the Greek.
For the present, then, let it suffice that makarios was used by the Ancients for the
"Immortals", and indicates a bliss that does not draw from external sources, whereas
eulogeo, "to eulogise", means to be well spoken of by others, and therefore has more
reference to external sources.
Leaving these refinements for a more fitting occasion, we turn our attention to the
word ashere, translated both "blessed" and "happy". One or two marginal references
found in the A.V. will give us an idea of the general, underlying, meaning of ashere,
"They which lead thee" (margin `call thee blessed') (Isa. 3: 12).
"The leaders of this people" (margin `they called them blessed') (Isa. 9: 16).
"They that are led of them" (margin `called blessed') (Isa. 9: 16).
Here we discover that an element of uncertainty existed in the minds of the translators,
owing to the fact that, in the Hebrew, "blessing" is derived from the idea of "going
forward". If we examine the word ashere that gives us "blessed", we discover that it
"Forsake the foolish and live, and GO in the way of understanding" (Prov. 9: 6).
(2) STEPS.
"None of his STEPS shall slide" (Psa. 37: 31).
The relative pronoun enables a sentence to "proceed" easily.