The Berean Expositor
Volume 22 - Page 66 of 214
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Death to sin and to sins.
pp. 237 - 240
We trust that the following record of conversation over a deep problem may prove to
be a "word in season" to someone who is weary in the strife against sin.
A.--I am in difficulty as to my own personal position regarding certain passages of
Scripture, and would much appreciate your help. I want to be honest, and not to assume
experiences that do not exist. I hear so many who speak of "victory", of having attained
"the throne position"; others pray that they may be enabled to "crucify" some special sin
or disposition. Some affirm that for years they have "never sinned"; others tell me that
the "old nature in them has been entirely eradicated"; so that I almost come to doubt
whether I have been saved.
B.--In these remarks you have brought together quite a number of important items of
doctrine, and unless we deal with one thing at a time, our conversation will probably but
deepen your confusion. Suppose you tell me, first of all, what you do unfeignedly
believe, not of course the whole range of doctrine, but that which is intimately related to
your immediate problem.
A.--That very suggestion seems to give at once a sense of relief. Let me say that I
believe with all my heart the teaching of Rom. 5: 6-8, that "Christ died for the ungodly",
and that I have been "justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ
Jesus" (Rom. 3: 24). On the question of my full acquittal before God, and of my
acceptance in Christ, I am thankful to say I have no doubts at all. My difficulties begin
when I get to Rom. 6: There I read, "dead to sin", "our old man crucified", "reckon
yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord".
B.--Far be it from me to say one word that would minimize sin, or lead one step away
from the highest ideal of holiness of life, but it will probably help you to see things in a
clearer light if we observe what is actually said in Rom. 6:, remembering as we read
that right division enters into every phase of the truth.
Suppose we take the opening section that occupies verses 1-14, and divide its teaching
up into two columns, according as it speaks of an accomplished fact, or of a present or
future effect. Let us denominate the one column "Root" and the other column "Fruit" and
see what is learned therefrom.