The Berean Expositor
Volume 21 - Page 2 of 202
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The closing months of 1931 have been overshadowed by
political and financial complications. While the dispensation of
the mystery and the hope of the church which is the body of Christ
are unrelated to "times and seasons" in the prophetic sense of the
term, the calling of that church takes place during "the times of the
Gentiles", and no one who is taught in the Word can look upon the
movements among the nations and among Israel without echoing
the words of an earlier dispensation: "Now is our salvation nearer
than when we believed."
Let all who are interested in the right division of the Word of
truth realize that "the night is far spent, and that the day is at
hand", and by word and by deed "occupy" until the day of glory
shall dawn.
We believe The Berean Expositor and its publications are a
definite witness raised up and sustained by the Lord, and we
unreservedly commend its testimony to the loving sympathy and
prayerful support of all those whose eyes have been enlightened as
to what is the hope of His calling.
Your fellow-witnesses to the dispensation of grace,
December, 1931.