The Berean Expositor
Volume 20 - Page 159 of 195
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(1:)  Faith as related to resurrection power of God (4: 17).
(2:) Faith as it faced human inability (4: 19).
(3:) Faith as it is related to the promise and the word (4: 17, 18, 20).
3. The personal.--How may I be justified?
(1:)  Not for his sake alone. The analogy of Scripture (4: 23).
(2:) If we believe. The importance of faith (4: 24).
(3:) Raised again for our justification. The place of resurrection in the gospel (4: 25).
The structural outline of Rom. 4: 17-25 is as follows:--
Rom. 4: 17-25.
A | Faith and resurrection (4: 17, 18).
a | As it is written.
b | Father of many nations.
c | Before Him Whom he believed.
d | God Who quickeneth the dead.
d | Called things that are not.
c | Against hope believed in hope.
b | Father of many nations.
a | As that which was spoken.
B | Faith and the death of self (4: 19-21).
g | Now weak in faith.
f | Considered his own body as dead.
f | Also deadness of Sarah's womb.
e | Not stagger through unbelief.
e | Strong in faith (eudunamao).
f | Glory to God.
f | Fully persuaded.
g | Strong to perform (dunatos).
B | The analogy of faith (4: 22-24).
e | It was imputed to him.
f | Not written for his sake alone.
f | But for us also.
e | It shall be imputed to us.
A | Faith and the purpose of resurrection (4: 24, 25).
a | Who was delivered.
b | For our offences.
a | And raised again.
b | For our justification.