The Berean Expositor
Volume 20 - Page 115 of 195
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Hebrews as a whole.
A | 1:, 2:
Thou remainest.
Thou art the same.
How escape if neglect?
Bring in again the first begotten.
Let us come boldly.
Example of unbelief.
Perfect 5: babes.
No renewal unto repentance.
Senses exercised.
Crucify afresh the Son.
C | 7: - 10: 18.  PERFECTION, WHERE FOUND.
But this man.
No perfection in priesthood.
No perfection in law.
No perfection in ordinances.
No perfection in sacrifices.
But this man.
B | 10: 19 - 12: 25  BACK TO PERDITION.
Let us draw near.
Example of faith.
Sons 5: firstborn.
Found no place for repentance.
Discipline exercised.
Trod under foot the Son.
A | 12: 25 - 13:  HIM THAT SPEAKETH.
Things that remain.
Jesus Christ the same.
Not escape if refuse.
Brought again from the death.