The Berean Expositor
Volume 20 - Page 100 of 195
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ashamed to be called their God, for He hath prepared for them a city" (11: 16), and the
"perfecting" of the spirits of just men in 12: 23.
It was toward this goal that the apostle urged the Hebrew believers to "go on unto
perfection". The "weight" which they were counseled to "lay aside" would include those
things mentioned in 6: 2, a passage we have already seen in close connection with Esau
and his vain seeking for repentance (6: 4-6, 12: 16, 17).
The section closes with a word of warning, very similar to the warning that precedes
chapter 11: In the structure in Volume XIX, page 77, we show it thus:--
C | 10: 26-31. "He that despised Moses' law died without mercy,
how much more . . . . ."
C | 12: 25. "They escaped not who refused Him that spake on earth,
much more . . . . ."
Here we return to the teaching of chapter 2: In that passage the comparison is
between the words spoken by angels and the words spoken by the Lord, and the question
is put: "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?" In the other passage
the angels are omitted, and the comparison is made between the seriousness of refusing
him who spoke on earth, namely, Moses, the servant, and of refusing the "Son", Who has
since spoken from heaven.
The epistle opens with the fact that God has spoken, and that He has spoken in two
ways; once through His servants, and now in His Son. The Hebrews were in danger of
minimizing the sin of refusing to hear what the Lord had said. The epistle as it continues
leads away from the ministry of angels, the mediatorship of Moses, the captaincy of
Joshua, the priesthood of Aaron, and the blood of bulls and goats, and focuses all its light
upon the Lord Jesus Who sums up and outshines them all. He has now spoken from
heaven. He is there at the right hand of God. There He ever liveth. There He sits
"henceforth expecting".
There are "much mores" of mercy, but in Heb. 10: 26-31 and 12: 25 contain "much
mores" of warning and judgment.
There remains the concluding passage, Heb. 12: 25-13: This we hope to consider in
our next paper, and our survey of this wonderful epistle then comes to a conclusion.