The Berean Expositor
Volume 20 - Page 80 of 195
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Then the 7th day . . . . . rest.
This sevenfold character lies behind the whole purpose of the ages, and Peter's
comment: "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one
day" (II Pet. 3: 8) suggests that the whole range of time, from the Adamic creation until
and including Millennium, will be a series of seven days, each measuring one thousand
years. The feasts of Israel, specified in Lev. 23:, fill up the interval between Creation
and Millennium, and foreshadow the purpose of the ages.
We find the following use of "seven" in the scriptures that deal with Israel:--
Seven DAYS.--"The seventh day is a sabbath of rest" (Lev. 23: 3).
Seven WEEKS.--"Seven sabbaths shall be complete" (Lev. 23: 15).
Seven MONTHS.--"In the seventh month" (Lev. 23: 24).
So far as feasts are concerned the year ends here.
Seven YEARS.--"The seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest" (Lev. 25: 4).
Seven times seven YEARS.--"It shall be a Jubilee unto you" (Lev. 25: 8-13).
Seventy times seven YEARS.--"Seventy weeks are determined" (Dan. 9: 24).
Seven TIMES.--"I will chasten you seven times" (Dan. 4: 16).
Israel's chastisement the same length of time as Gentile madness.
Here we have a progressive series of seven features, showing that the weekly sabbath
was one of a series of ordinances enjoined upon this people.
The sign and the covenant.
Just as blood of the passover lamb (Exod. 12: 13), the unleavened bread (13: 9), and
the redemption of the firstborn (13: 13) were "signs" or "tokens", so the sabbath was a
special "sign" to Israel of their separation unto the Lord from all other nations. This
sanctification is expressed in Lev. 20: 24-26:--
"I am the Lord your God, which have separated you from other people. Ye shall
therefore put a difference between clean beasts and unclean . . . . . ye shall be holy unto
Me, for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be
The scruples discussed in Rom. 14: as to "days" and "meats" arose out of the
relationship of such things to Israel's exclusive position.
The observation of the sabbath was given for an "age-abiding covenant", but it is well
to notice that in Exod. 31: both the "sign" and the "covenant" are restricted to Israel:--
"Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath . . . . . an age-abiding
covenant.  It is a sign between Me and  the children of Israel  for the age"
(Exod. 31: 16, 17).
There can be no intrusion of others into this covenant. It belongs to Israel, and to
those who, by becoming proselytes, are reckoned with Israel. The breaking of the