The Berean Expositor
Volume 20 - Page 63 of 195
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Rev. 13: reveals that Nebuchadnezzar's attempt as recorded in Dan. 2: will be
repeated, and, blessed be God,  15: 2  reveals that there will, once again, be the
Shadrachs, Meshachs, and Abed-negos, who will not bow the knee to this image of Baal.
It is only necessary to visit a country fair, or a world-famous exhibition, to see the
booths occupied by the palmist, the fortune-teller and the like. One has only to question
the motorist, the professional actor, and others, to learn how much trust is placed in lucky
mascots, charms, &100: At intervals the newspaper records the objection of someone to the
allotment of the number thirteen to his house or place at table and the like. Even when
one would hardly feel it right to attribute ignorance, superstition is by no means dead.
Then, further, the rapid strides that spiritism is making, the holding of séances, by the
thousand, in this land and others, the prevalent idolatry still openly practiced in India and
other lands, all show the deep-rooted nature of this systematic perversion of truth. All
idolatry usurps the place of Christ. He, and He alone, is the true image of God. No man
can worship God unassisted, for He is Spirit, and can be neither seen, heard nor
conceived by man. But God has come down to us in the person of Christ, and idolatry,
the worship of one other than our Lord Jesus Christ, is the devil's great anti-Christian
attack. There can be little doubt that idolatry sprang into being, full-fledged, at Babel,
and from that source can be traced the chief idolatrous practices of the whole earth. The
controversy over the Prayer Book in the Church of England is largely centred around the
Lord's Supper, which some would approximate to the blasphemous fable of the Mass,
which, again, involves idolatry.
Idolatry, therefore, touches the person and work of the Son of God; in its mystery of
iniquity, which culminates in a man claiming divine worship, it travesties the mystery of
godliness, "God was manifested in the flesh". We have said that we could go back to the
beginning of Israel's national history and to the beginning of the history of the human
race, and find idolatry--but the full truth is that we can go back until revelation ceases,
and there learn that before man was created, idolatry was already the first great sin in the
universe of God (see Exek. 28: 1-19), and from it, and because of it, springs every
other form of evil. Conversely, it is equally true that acceptable worship (translated
"godliness" in I Timothy), lies at the root of all righteousness, goodness and truth, for no
man can be either righteous, good, or true, who is in error concerning God Himself.
Let us keep ourselves from idols--covetousness, selfishness, and legalism on the one
hand, and any approach to outward symbols such as charms, mascots or superstitious
practices.  If we must believe that some things are "lucky", let us take Wycliffe's
translation of Gen. 39: 2: "And the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a luckie