The Berean Expositor
Volume 20 - Page 2 of 195
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As a public testimony The Berean Expositor is now
twenty-two years of age, and we are constrained to call upon all
who rejoice with us in the revelation of the Mystery to join us both
in praise and prayer on this occasion.
Uppermost in our consciousness is the outstanding fact of grace
all these years. Grace that first of all chose, grace that sustained,
and grace that has been mingled all along with much longsuffering.
While the prison ministry of the apostle Paul must ever be
our central theme, a glance at the  forthcoming index for the
twenty volumes of The Berean Expositor will testify to our love
for, and conscious need of, "all Scripture".
We believe the teaching for which we stand magnifies the
Lord Jesus as nothing else can to-day, and we confidently
anticipate the continued fellowship of all those who rejoice to
know that He is exalted.
Yours by grace,
In the unity of the Spirit,
December, 1930.