The Berean Expositor
Volume 19 - Page 57 of 154
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The better resurrection.
We now come to the crux of the passage. By consulting the arrangement of the
subject-matter set out above, it will be seen that "the better resurrection" and "some
better thing" are focal points.
What is this better resurrection? and how does it harmonize with the balancing clause,
"some better thing", the teaching of Heb. 11:, in particular, and of the epistle in general?
It is sometimes said of the articles in The Berean Expositor that they are somewhat
condensed in character, and lest any should fail to realize what has been suggested as our
line of study, we will repeat ourselves in more formal fashion.
This "better" resurrection evidently has something to do with the "better" thing
provided by God. We must endeavour first to see what this connection may be, then
what the relation of this passage is to the teaching of Heb. 11: as a whole and finally how
far the teaching concerning "the better resurrection" is supported by the general drift of
the whole epistle.
The first thing we propose is to visualize the whole context with these "better" things
in view.
Heb. 10: 19 - 12: 25.
A | 10: 19-24. Exhortation. "Let us." Priest.
B | 10: 25, 26. Warning. "No more sacrifice."
C | 10: 27-31. He that despised Moses' law died without mercy,
how much more . . . . .
D | 10: 32 - 11: 40. Faith, and the better thing.
A | 12: 1-4. Exhortation. "Let us." Perfected.
B | 12: 5-24. Warning. "He found no place for repentance."
C | 12: 25. They escaped not who refused Him that spake on earth,
much more . . . . .
Such is the broad outline, making x.19 - 12: 25 one large section. This will be useful
as we proceed, but for the time being we are more concerned about the relation of
subject-matter within Heb. 11:, viz., "faith" and the "better thing".
We accordingly amplify the member D | 10: 32 - 11: 40, setting it our as follows:--
Faith and the better thing (10: 32 - 11: 40).
D | A1 | 10: 32-29. The better substance in heaven.
B1 | 11: 1-12. Faith. Abel's offering and others.
A2 | 11: 13-16. The better and heavenly country.
B2 | 11: 17-35. Faith. Abraham's offering and others.
A3 | 11: -35. The better resurrection.
B3 | 11: 36-38. Faith. Unnamed believers and their sufferings.
A4 | 11: 39, 40. The better thing foreseen.