The Berean Expositor
Volume 19 - Page 2 of 154
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When  we  contemplate  the  tremendous  nature  of
Paul's prison ministry, the well-nigh overwhelming odds against
its testimony, and the feebleness of the witness associated with
The Berean Expositor, nothing but the fact that we are in the
hands of the God of all-sufficient grace gives the needed assurance
to go forward. This we do despite the fact that as an organization
we are negligible, our circulation not large, and our position
outside the camp.
We rejoice however to record that at last, certain periodicals
once fast closed against this truth have opened their pages, some
for positive testimony and others for tentative correspondence.
Whilst not having taken any part in the correspondence, we are
encouraged by the fact that the Word is going forth and that in this
country, in U.S.A. and on the Continent the seed so long sown in
loneliness is at length bearing fruit.
With thankfulness for the practical fellowship of saints,
and a desire that every issue shall increasingly magnify the
Lord Jesus Christ,
We remain, by grace,
Yours for the truth,
December, 1929.