The Berean Expositor
Volume 17 - Page 121 of 144
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God," as may be seen in the case of Abraham (Rom. 4: 20), and of all of like precious
faith, who can now" rejoice in hope of the glory of God" (Rom. 5: 2).
The word" glory" runs through this epistle, and forms an integral part of its theme.
The reader should examine all the passages (we give them here to facilitate the study:
Rom. 1: 23; 2: 7, I0; 3: 7, 23; 4: 20; 5: 2; 6: 4; 8: 18,21; 9: 4, 23; 11: 36; 15: 7; 16:
27). If such is the importance of this initial factor, it behooves us all to acquaint ourselves
with just what is involved in "glorifying God," lest we in our measure come short, even
though saved. Something of what is intended by " glorifying God" may be gathered from
such passages as I Chron. 16: 23-36):
"Declare His glory among the heathen: His marvelous works among all nations."
Here it will be seen that" His glory" is, by the parallelism of Hebrew poetry,
expressed by " His marvelous works." This is one item in glorifying God that the Gentiles
omitted. Following this comes a statement concerning His eternal power and deity:
" For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: He also 1: to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the
people are idols: But the Lord made the heavens. . . . . . Give unto tbe Lord the glory due unto His name. . . . .
And let men say among the nation., The Lord reigneth."
Glorifying God declares His marvelous works, acknowledges that He is above all
gods, confesses that He is Creator, and that He reigneth. When we remember the
testimony of Psa. 19:, we remember that there we have a similar connection.
"The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament showetb His handywork."
The parallelism here is complete:-
The heavens
The firmament
The glory of God ----
His Handywork
It is very evident that this confession of God as Creator is directly connected with
glorifying God. Into the higher and deeper connection of this glorifying of God as, for
example, is indicated in the language of Christ in John 17:, we do not enter, as this is
beyond the scope of the passage in Romans 1: Here is the first step in Gentile departure.
They did not glorify God as God. The second step was that of ingratitude, "neither were
The testimony of creation might have been awe-inspiring, the thunder bolt, the
avalanche, the hurricane might have overwhelmed man's spirit with their testimony to
tremendous power, might have extracted his tardy glorifying. But God's glory cannot be
separated from His goodness. As Moses learned in Exod. 33: 18, 19, "Shew me Thy