The Berean Expositor
Volume 17 - Page 53 of 144
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The repudiation of all reward from the king of Sodom "lest he should say, I have
made Abraham rich", stands for the crucifixion of the world (Gal. 6: 14).
The offering up of Isaac, the beloved son, is the fellowship of His sufferings, the
conformity to His death, which is on the one hand intimately connected with the
perfecting, the prize, and the heavenly citizenship, and on the other is strongly contrasted
with those who mind earthly things, and constitute themselves "enemies of the cross of
Christ" (Phil. 3: 10-21; Heb. 6: 6).
So far we have traced the meaning of the statement, "By faith Abraham . . . . .
obeyed". Looking to the opening paragraph of this article we see that there is another
pair of statements to consider. The obedience of faith is found in A1, A2, "Go out",
"He went out". As we read Heb. 11: 8 it might appear that the fact that Abraham knew
all about the inheritance enabled him to step out in faith. "By faith Abraham, when he
was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance,
obeyed." This, however, is not the meaning. When he obeyed he did not have the
inheritance so definitely revealed, for the verse continues, "and he went out, not knowing
whither he went". This brings Abraham into line with the other examples of faith. "Faith
is the substance . . . . . of things not seen". Noah was warned of the things not seen as
yet. Abraham knew that he was to go into a land of the Lord's providing, and he knew
that it was to be his inheritance, but the revelation of that inheritance grew with his
Is there no parallel experience suggested in Eph. 1: 18? "That ye may know what
is . . . . . the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints." Is there no parallel in I
Cor. 2: 9, 10? We shall learn presently that Abraham received a higher call and a fuller
revelation that eclipsed the original inheritance of the land, but this we must deal with in
its true place. For the time being we must stop. The thread is taken up in the record of
the next pair, Isaac and Jacob.
Let us not set aside this word "obey". True we are of faith, true we are not under law,
but under grace, true we are sons, not servants. Does this mean that obedience, the
obedience of faith, is not for us? "Though HE were a Son, yet learned He obedience
. . . . . all them that obey Him" (Heb. 5: 8, 9). The words obedience and obey mean
"to hear with submission". It is translated simply "hearken" in Acts 12: 13. It is
incipient in Heb. 3:, 4: in the words, "To-day if ye will hear His voice". Faith comes
out of hearing (Rom. 10: 17), and the obedience of faith is simply that hearing continued
throughout the walk of life.