The Berean Expositor
Volume 17 - Page 15 of 144
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In the ark and the mercy seat, "righteousness and peace have kissed each other".
The mercy seat.
The mercy seat was made of pure gold, unlike the ark which was made of wood
overlaid with gold. Made of one piece with it were the cherubim with their wings
stretched forth on high, and with their faces toward the mercy seat:--
"And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put
the testimony that I will give thee. And THERE I WILL MEET WITH THEE, and I will
commune with thee . . . . ." (Exod. 25: 17-22).
The N.T. word mercy seat in Heb. 9: 5 is translated in Rom. 3: 25, "propitiation",
and is the word used by the LXX to translate the Hebrew word mercy seat. The word
mercy seat (kapporeth) is from the word kaphar, to make atonement. Now whatever our
conclusions may be as to the exact meaning of the word translated "atonement", one
thing is established, and that is that it is an essential part of the great sacrificial work of
We endeavour in this series to avoid arguments that are complicated, or that
necessitate too close an investigation into the originals, and as we hope to give the
doctrine of the atonement a careful study in the series headed "Redemption", we leave
the controversial side alone in this article. If we were asked what ideas came to the mind
at the mention of the mercy seat, we should probably say, something to do with
atonement, acceptance, or forgiveness. All these are true, but they are not the primary
truth. This atonement is necessitated by our sins, but what is the object before us which
necessitates the removal of the barrier, sin? We may receive a precious lesson from the
very first statement made concerning the use of the mercy seat. To Moses the Lord said,
"There I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee".  Fellowship and
communion, these are the real objects; all else but makes a way.
I will meet.--The words to meet mean "to meet by appointment", and the Hebrew
word enters into one of the names of the tabernacle, viz., "the tabernacle of the
congregation" (Exod. 27: 21). It is translated "to betrothe" in Exod. 21: 8, 9, and
"agreed" in Amos 3: 3. It will be remembered that the tabernacle number was given as
number 5, and 5 times in the book of Exodus does the Lord speak of the mercy seat, or
the altar, where the blood was shed that sprinkled the mercy seat, as the place where He
would meet Moses, and the children of Israel (Exod. 25: 22; 29: 42, 43; 30: 6, 36).
The meeting place, a beautiful symbol of the result of the atonement, contains within
itself the ideas of entrance, access and acceptance. A most interesting and helpful
suggestion of the fullness of this meeting with God is contained in the LXX rendering of
the word "meet" in these passages, where the translation reads, "And I will make Myself
known to thee from thence". The knowledge of Himself and His ways are made known
there. Knowledge in the scriptural sense is far removed from mere scholarship, valuable