The Berean Expositor
Volume 16 - Page 121 of 151
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The parallels of this passage with Rom. 1: 1-17 are too patent to necessitate detailed
proof. It is very evident that Paul's separation unto the gospel of God took place then.
Some of the allusions we have quoted will appear more clearly when we have examined
Rom. 1: a little more. Paul's separation was unto the gospel of God.
What is this gospel?
It is common knowledge with most of our readers that the word gospel means "good
news". It may be as well to have the meaning more fully demonstrated at this first
occurrence, as we desire this series on Romans to provide as complete a repository of
knowledge and understanding as possible for those who are engaged in making this
gospel known.
Euaggelion is made up of eu (well) and aggelia (a message). It is one of a group of
words made up with aggeleia.
Aggeleia is a message, news (I John 1: 5).
Aggello. To bring a message (John 20: 18).
Aggelos. Messenger, angel (Luke 7: 24; 2: 13).
Anaggello. To report back (I John 1: 5).
Apaggello. To announce or report (Acts 4: 23).
Diaggello. To convey a message (Rom. 9: 17).
There are thirteen more words necessary to complete the list, but the above are all we
need to show the primary idea.
The gospel is God's good message.
God's good message may be the proclamation concerning our forgiveness, our hope of
heaven, our peace, etc. God's good message may be the proclamation of the ground or
source from which all these blessings flow. In other words, the gospel may be a detailed
proclamation of the ills that may be cured, or the proclamation concerning Him Who
alone can cure them. Rom. 1: leaves us in no doubt as to which is the Scriptural view:--
"The gospel of God . . . . . concerning His Son" (Rom. 1: 1 and 3).
"The gospel . . . . . the power of God unto salvation" (Rom. 1: 15, 16).
"Christ the power of God" (I Cor. 1: 24).
"We preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (I Cor. 1: 23).
"We preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord" (II Cor. 14. 5).
These and many other passages clearly set forth this fact. Salvation is not the gospel--
the gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Justification is not the gospel, for in the
gospel is revealed a righteousness of God. Rom. 1: 1-4 gives three important tests for the
1. It is of GOD.
2. It is according to His WORD.
3. It is concerning His SON.