The Berean Expositor
Volume 15 - Page 134 of 160
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In these four passages, we have four items that are connected with our subject:--
(1).  The paradise of God.
(2).  The second death.
(3).  The book of life.
(4).  The city of God.
It will be found that Nos. 2 and 3 are indicated in 21: 8 and 27 where the two
statements "the second death" and "the book of life" are mentioned in connection with
the new Jerusalem.
As we hope to deal with the typical teaching of the tabernacle in the series entitled
Fundamentals of Dispensational Truth, we will not stay over details here. The very close
resemblance between the tabernacle and the city becomes evident upon examination.
The materials for the tabernacle are given in Exod. 25: 1-7 and they are gold, silver,
brass, blue, purple, scarlet, precious stones, etc.  The breastplate of the high priest
contained twelve precious stones. These closely resemble the twelve precious stones
with which the foundations of the wall were garnished. There is also an intended contrast
with Babylon. In Rev. 17: and 18: we have the mystery of iniquity and there we
read of purple and scarlet, gold and precious stones and pearls in the description of the
harlot, and among the merchandise of that great city we find gold, silver, precious stones,
pearls, fine linen, purple silk, scarlet. Again in the description of the king of Tyre
(Ezek. 28: 12-19) who sets forth in symbol Satan, we have a description which
includes "every precious stone", and nine precious stones are mentioned by name.
The great city, Babylon, falls to rise no more; the great city, new Jerusalem, manifests
the triumphant conclusion of the conflict of the ages.
The sanctuary--a dwelling place.
We may observe here that one feature of the tabernacle which is given first place in
Exod. 25: is the one feature mentioned in Rev. 21:
Exod. 25: 8.--"Let them make Me a Sanctuary; that I may dwell among them."
Rev. 21: 3.--"The Tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them."
(See also Ezek. 43: 7; Zech. 2: 10, 8: 3).
Another important item is brought to mind by these parallels. The references to
Zechariah and Ezekiel are millennial and to Israel, whereas the reference in Rev. 21: is
beyond the millennium and is to "men" and not to Israel alone. The new heaven and the
new earth together with the heavenly Jerusalem will be anticipated in the millennium in
Israel and the Jerusalem that will be built according to the prophecy of Ezek. 10:-47:
Isaiah mentions the new heavens and new earth in connection with Israel, the
millennium and the Jerusalem of that day, and unless the typical and anticipatory