The Berean Expositor
Volume 15 - Page 99 of 160
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Following the title, "the anointed cherub that covereth", we read that God said, "and I
have set thee so". The Companion Bible and Rotherham read, "when I appointed thee, in
the holy mount of God thou wast". In either case, this honour was not appropriated by
Satan, but was of Divine appointment. The usage of the word translated "set" suggests
the importance of this high appointment. The following are a few instances:--
"I do set my bow in the cloud" (Gen. 9: 13).
"A father of many nations have I made thee" (Gen. 17: 5).
"And thou shalt hang up the vail" (Exod. 26: 33).
"And I will set My tabernacle among you " (Lev. 26: 11).
A feature in the judgment upon this fallen cherub is discovered by the use of the word
in Ezek. 28::--
"Though thou SET thine heart" (verse 2).
"Thou hast SET thine heart as the heart of God" (verse 6).
"And I have SET thee so" (verse 14).
"I will LAY thee before Kings" (verse 17).
"And I will BRING thee to ashes" (verse 18).
Stones of fire could have no effect upon the anointed cherub while he remained
faithful to his trust (verse 14), but when he is cast out as profane, a fire will be brought
forth from his own midst which shall reduce him to ashes. Like the Prince of Tyre, all
his boasting will be of no avail "in the hand of Him that slayeth him" (verse 9).
The holy mount of God.
The nearness of this cherub to the Lord is seen in the words:--
"Thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the
midst of the stones of fire" (Ezek. 28: 14).
The expression "The mountain of God" occurs seven times.  So also does the
expression "The mountain of the Lord".  Exod. 3: 1;  4: 27;  18: 5;  24: 13;
I King 19: 8; and Psa. 68: 15 speak of Horeb or Sinai as the mountain of God. It
will be observed that in the first and last mention in the books of Moses we have the
presence of fire:--
"The bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed" (Exod. 3: 2).
"The sight of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire" (Exod. 24: 17).
"Let not the priests and the people break through to come up unto the Lord, lest He
break forth upon them" (Exod. 19: 24).
As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let
the wicked perish at the presence of God. But let the righteous be glad . . . . . The earth
shook, the heavens also dropped at the presence of God, even Sinai itself was moved at
the presence of God . . . . . the mount of God is as the mount of Bashan . . . . . Thou hast
ascended on high" (Psa. 68: 2, 3, 8, 15, 18).
It will be seen that the mountain of God is Sinai, and that it becomes a devouring fire
to all who have not Divine protection and appointment. The mountain of the Lord