The Berean Expositor
Volume 15 - Page 78 of 160
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The spirit of your mind, the subject of this renewal, looks to the doctrine of Rom. 6:
There we learn that the seat of sin is in the members of our mortal body (Rom. 6: 6, 12,
13, 19). The mind being held in subjection to the flesh (Rom. 7: 14, 15, 18, 22), even
though illuminated by the law of the Lord, finds itself utterly enthralled and under the
dominion of sin which is in the members.  Hence the battle of the unsaved yet
enlightened Jew (Rom. 7: 23).
As we have already said, we have no warrant to believe that the bodies of believers
undergo any process of renewal, but rather that these bodies of ours shall returned to dust,
to be raised incorruptible, or changed in the case of the living at the time, when the Lord
When the sinner passes from death unto life, from Adam to Christ, from the power of
Satan to God, the dominion of sin is broken, the mind is set free, and it becomes possible
for the first time to "yield ourselves servants to obey" either sin or God (Rom. 6: 16).
Before this we had no option.
The new creation manifested.
The renewal of the mind is an inward operation. It is completed and rounded off by a
corresponding outward response:--
"And to put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and holiness
of the truth" (Eph. 4: 24).
With this passage we should read the parallel in Col. 3: 10:--
"And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of
Him that created Him."
These passages taken together are mutually helpful. Let us notice a few special
Both emphasize the fact of creation:--
"Created in righteousness and holiness" (Eph. 4: 24).
"Created after the image of Him" (Col. 3: 10).
With these passages we should compare those of Eph. 2::--
"We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus" (2: 10).
"For to create in Himself of the twain one new man" (2: 15).
It is impossible to believe the gospel as preached by Paul and to tolerate any kind of
mere reformation. The basic fact and the most decisive in Paul's witness is that all men,