The Berean Expositor
Volume 15 - Page 49 of 160
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remember that "much serving" is cumbering and is not needful. Let those who are too
apt to do all the "sitting" remember that of Mary it is written, "Mary also sat", then all
will share "that good part" which received the blessing of the Lord.
A Cure for Insomnia (Psalms 3: & 4:).
pp. 94, 95
Do you know what it is for the cares and perplexities of this life to intrude into the
hours of rest, and drive sleep from tired eyes and aching head? Insomnia may not always
take its rise from broken nerves or deranged stomach. There is sometimes a spiritual
Psalms 3: and 4: deals with a period in David's life that was one of sore distress.
Absalom, his son, had risen in rebellion against his own father, and David who in earlier
years had been hunted by Saul is now obliged to flee from his own flesh and blood. A
cause there for anxiety and lack of sleep! Psalm 3: speaks of the increase of those that
trouble him, that many had risen up against him, many sought to break down his faith by
"There is no help for him in God" (verse 2).
"Selah" seems to stand at the end of a line and say, "You hear that? well now look at
this". What does the Selah introduce? Let us look at it again.
"There is no help for him in God."
"But Thou, O Lord, art a shield for me . . . . . I cried . . . . . He heard" (verse 3).
Again another Selah. What follows this time?
"I laid me down and slept. I awaked; for the Lord sustained me" (verse 5).
David slept, and slept safely, for he awaked conscious that the Lord had indeed been
his shield.
In Psalm 4: we seem to advance in confidence. Then not only does David sleep, but
he sleeps in peace and he falls asleep at once (verse 8). The adverb translated "both" is
rendered "at once" in Isa. 42: 14, and is so rendered here by many expositors. In spite
of all the natural causes for anxiety and wakefulness David could say:--
"No sooner do I lie down, than I fall asleep at once, and not into a sleep made hideous
by awful thoughts and cares, but sleep in peace, for the Lord alone is the One that maketh
me to dwell in safety, in Jerusalem or in the wilderness."