The Berean Expositor
Volume 15 - Page 41 of 160
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Notes on Ministry.
The End of the Charge.
(Continued from Volume XIV, page 111).
pp. 10 - 13
All lawlessness and wickedness are contrary to sound doctrine. With this negative
statement I Tim. 1: 10 finishes. Positively it is described as the doctrine that is according
to godliness (6: 3). Sound doctrine convinces the gainsayer (Titus 1: 9), but sound
doctrine demands accompanying practice.
"But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine . . . . . In all things showing
thyself a pattern of good works, in doctrine showing incorruptness, gravity, sincerity,
sound speech which cannot be condemned; that our adversaries may be shamed, having
no evil to bring against us" (Titus 2: 1-8).
The gainsayer will not be convinced by words only. Doctrine and practice must go
hand in hand:--
"Now the end of the charge is love" (I Tim. 1: 5).
Just as in Romans and Galatians the apostle taught that love was the fulfilling of the
law, so here he teaches that love is the end or the goal of grace. Telos, "end", does not
mean "end" in the sense of time or termination, but "end" in the sense of goal or object.
The "end" of my pen is the extreme tip of the nib, but the telos of my pen is the writing
that I do. "The end (or goal) of the charge is love." Beyond all gifts, all knowledge, all
power, transcending even the most abiding graces of faith and hope, is love. All right
and all wrong may be reduced to the one element love.
"A root of all evils is a love for money" (I Tim. 6: 10).
In the awful description of the perilous times given in II Tim. 3: love is prominent:--
"Lovers of their own selves, lovers of money" (verse 2).
so the list opens.
"Lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God" (verse 4).
so the list closes. What was it that brought Demas down?
"Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present age" (I Tim. 4: 8).
For whom is the crown of righteousness?
"All those who have loved His appearing" (I Tim. 4: 8).