The Berean Expositor
Volume 15 - Page 16 of 160
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Fundamentals of Dispensational Truth.
#53.  Amalek, type of the flesh.
Aaron and Hur, types of fellowship (Exod. 17: & 18:).
pp. 176 - 180
"THEN CAME AMALEK."--In the generations of Esau (Gen. 36:) we find that
Esau and his descendants are the Edomites; "Esau is Edom" (verses 1 and 8). In verse 12
we learn that Amalek was the grandson of Esau. Both Israel and Amalek therefore could
trace their descent from Abraham, and herein lies the significance of the type. Amalek
stand for the flesh. This typical feature is repeated. Going back no further than Abraham
we find two sons--Ishmael who stands for the flesh, and Isaac for the spirit. The church
of the Galatians provides a commentary upon the typical character of these two sons and
their relation to the flesh and spirit.
Coming to Isaac we find that he also had two sons--Esau and Jacob, and once again
the type is clear. The epistle to the Hebrews provides explanations of the meaning of the
typical character of these two sons.
Two others must be included, viz., Moab and Ammon, both the children of Lot, and
preeminently the children of shame. When we speak of Ishmael, Edom, Moab, Ammon
and Amalek, we enumerate those foes of Israel who sought to bar the way and prevent
their entry into the land of promise.
This is exactly what "the flesh" in a believer endeavours to do, Israel, when bondmen
in Egypt, when confronted by the Red Sea, when in need of bread and water, were called
upon neither to fight nor to fend for themselves. In all these experiences they typified the
passive position of the believer under grace. The believer, however, has a warfare before
him, a conflict that lasts until this life finishes, the conflict between flesh and spirit.
The word "fight", apart from the instance in Exod. 1: 10 which voiced the fears of
Pharaoh, is used in two settings only:--
(1). OF THE LORD.--"The Lord shall fight for you" (Exod. 14: 14).
"The Lord fighteth for them" (Exod. 14: 25).
(2). OF ISRAEL.--"Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel" (Exod. 17: 8).
"Go out, and fight with Amalek" (Exod. 17: 9).
"So Joshua . . . . . fought with Amalek" (Exod. 17: 10).
The one conflict of the believer after redemption is with the flesh. What was the
occasion of the fight? We believe it was twofold. The word "then" in the sentence, "then
came Amalek", appears to be connected with:--