The Berean Expositor
Volume 15 - Page 11 of 160
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B.--Praise God for that confession. Difficulties you will still have, problems unsolved
and beyond your understanding but your heart will be free, and the consciousness of
loyalty to the Lord is beyond description.
A.--It would appear that "Jesus" of the N.T. is none other than the "Jehovah" of the O.T.
Is this borne out by any other quotations?
B.--Yes. For example Isa. 6: There we have a vision of the Lord. Before His glory the
Seraphim veil their faces while they cry:--
"Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory."
There can be no doubt that this was a vision of God. Let us consider the testimony of
two witnesses:--
HEZEKIAH.--"O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, Thou that dwellest between the
Cherubim, THOU ARE THE GOD, even THOU ALONE" (Isa. 37: 16).
JOHN (Quoting Isa. 6: 9, 10).--"These things said Isaiah, when he beheld His
(Christ's) glory, and spake of Him" (John 12: 41).
Scripture declares that the Lord of Hosts is THE God, John declares that the Lord of
Hosts is Christ. Your teachers, whose doctrine you have renounced, told you that John
taught that Christ as A God, but not THE God!
A.--They did, and I believed them, denying the very Lord that bought me.
B.--Not only have we definite quotation, but the fact that "Jehovah" and "Jesus" are one
and the same is assumed on every hand. Isa. 40: 3 says:--
"The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make
straight in the desert a highway for our God."
The Gospels declare that John the Baptist is "the voice", and that he was sent to
prepare the way for Christ, Who is both Lord and God.
Jehovah not limited to Israel.
The Lord is the God of Israel. He that dwelt between the Cherubim was no God in a
subordinate sense. He is confessed as the God of Israel, the God alone of all the
kingdoms of earth, the maker of heaven and earth (Isa. 37: 16). Solomon confessed
that this same God was not limited to Israel or the temple, saying:--
"But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold the heaven and the heaven of
heavens cannot contain Thee" (I Kings 8: 27).
I want you to see clearly that any reservation in the mind as to the full Deity of Christ
blights the faith and is unscriptural. Take the title "Saviour" in Titus:--
"According to the commandment of God our Saviour" (1: 3).
"Adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour" (2: 10).