The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 135 of 167
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25: 1.7.
Reason.--They said "Aha, against the Lord's sanctuary
when it was profaned", etc.
25: 8-11.
Reason.--They said "The house of Judah is like unto the
Moab and Seir.
25: 12-14.
Reason.--They took vengeance upon Judah.
25: 15-17.
Reason.--They dealt by revenge for the enmity of age-past
Following these somewhat brief denunciations comes the fuller one against Tyre,
occupying chapters 26: and 27: Tyre had said against Jerusalem:--
"Aha, she is broken that was the gates of the people: she is turned unto me. I shall be
replenished, now she is laid waste" (26: 2).
The doom of Tyre is given in the dreadful words of 26: 19-21:--
"For thus saith my Lord, Jehovah,
When I make thee a desolate city,
Like cities which cannot be welt in--
When I bring up over thee the roaring deep
And the mighty waters cover thee (cf. Gen. 1: 2)
Then will I bring thee down with them that go down into the pit,
Unto the people of age-past times,
And cause thee to dwell in the earth below,
Among the desolations from age-past times
With them that go down into the pit,
That thou mayest not be dwelt in--
Nor yet arise in the land of the living.
A terror will I make thee
And thou shall not be:
And though thou be sought for
Thou shalt not be found any more
To times age-abiding
Is the oracle of my lord, Jehovah."
Following this pronouncement comes the dirge or lamentation over Tyre.  This
occupies the whole of chapter 28: We draw attention to the following features which
are to be kept in view as we examine the passage dealing with Satan under the figure of
the king of Tyre:--
TYRE'S BOAST--"I am the perfection of beauty" (verses 3, 4, 11).
TYRE'S TRAFFIC--Tarshish, Javan, Tubal, Meshach and many other countries
"were thy merchants (verses 12-25).
TYRE'S DOOM--"Thou shalt be a terror, and shalt not be unto times
age-abiding" (verse 36).
Chapter 28: is occupied first with the pride and downfall of the prince of Tyre, and
then with the pride and downfall of his master, Satan. We must take up this chapter
therefore in our next article, hoping that the reader will keep in mind the ground we have
already covered and the items noted.