The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 133 of 167
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It is clear from the usage of tohu and bohu in these two passages, that Gen. 1: 2
indicates severe judgment and desolation. The coal we this day burn, the metals we this
day refine, the fossils we this day discover, look back beyond Gen. 1: 2 for the time of
their creation. Scripture teaches that the ages were made by Christ, that the present
heaven and earth were made by Christ, and in Gen. 1: 2 to 2: 3 we see the erection of
this great platform upon which the purpose of the ages should be wrought out, and
redemption's gracious work fully accomplished. Summarizing therefore we find:--
The world that
The heaven and earth
The new heaven
then was.
which are now.
and earth.
Tohu and Bohu
Tohu and Bohu
(Gen. 1: 2).
Isa. 34:, II Pet. 3:, Rev. 20:).
Before the overthrow
During this period
The end . . . . .
Of the world (Eph. 1: 4).
the great work
that God may be
Before the age-times
of redemption
all in all
(II Tim. 1: 9).
is accomplished.
(I Cor. 15: 28).
pp. 81 - 83
Our study together in the preceding paper of this series led us to see that the condition
of things indicated by Gen. 1: 2 was that of judgment falling upon sin. Now it is evident
that the sin which drew down this deluge, more terrific than that of Noah's day, was not
the sin of Adam nor his sons, for man had not then been created. The third chapter of
Genesis, however, introduces into the garden planted by the Lord the serpent. This
serpent is already sinful, for he questions the commandment of God, suggests that God is
acting unfairly to His creatures, and in place of God's fair truth puts his own lies. There
is no doubt as to the identity of this serpent. Rev. 12: 9 speaks of the dragon as "That
old serpent, called the Devil (in Greek N.T.), and Satan (in Hebrew O.T.)". So also in
Rev. 20: 2.
It is not our intention to stay long at Gen. 3:, for we believe that we shall understand
that chapter better when we learn from other parts of Scripture something more
concerning the great tempter. We wish, however, to note one or two features to carry
with us for comparison and illumination.
1. The chapter opens with "the serpent" and closes with "the cherubim". Both are
supernatural beings. Both are animal forms related to higher spiritual powers.