The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 125 of 167
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that the "all things" that are of God include the Devil and all his works is not only
unscriptural , but anti-christian and must be rejected.
A Scriptural Principle of Interpretation.
There is no formal system of Divinity to be found in Scripture. The great principles of
faith are taught in the recorded lives of men, and in the dealings of God with Israel.
Israel's history furnishes a digest of the greater purpose of the ages. The words "all in
Adam" are to be understood by the parallel words "all Israel", and inasmuch as they are
not all Israel which are of Israel, so they are not all in Adam which are of Adam. In both
cases there is in operation the law that sets aside "Ishmael" and reckons only such as are
"in Isaac" as children of the promise and the true "seed".
The Present Interval of Bondage.
A comparison of Gen. 15: 5-16, Gal. 3: 15-18 and Eph. 1: 3-14 reveals that
underlying the purpose of the ages is a threefold development, viz.:--
(1). An unconditional promise . . . The will of the FATHER.
(2). An interval of bondage . . .
The work of the SON.
(3). The promise fulfilled . . .
The witness of the SPIRIT.
The will of God shall be accomplished, but not without conflict. There is an enemy at
work. And just as Israel's bondage in Egypt was connected with the iniquity of the
Amorite, so the bondage of the true seed is connected with Satan and the mystery of
iniquity. Israel enter into the inheritance held by the Amorites and exterminate them.
The true seed will enter into their particular inheritance, and the seed of the wicked one,
the names of whom not being in the book of life, will be destroyed.
The Two Seeds.
From the birth of Cain onward to the Giants of Noah's day, the Canaanite of Joshua's
time, and the "tares" sown by the enemy, there has existed side by side with the true seed
"the children of the wicked one". Not until these "tares" are bound in bundles and
burned can the "righteous shine forth in the kingdom of their Father". The seed of the
wicked one being "of the Devil" cannot be "of God" and are not included in the "all
things" that make up the new creation.
(To be continued).