The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 118 of 167
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A.--The scope of any passage is determined by its literary structure.
B.--Shall we then seek the inspired structure of this chapter? I think we can omit
verses 1-11 from our present discussion; they deal with the evidences and evangel of
Verse 12
starts with the question,
Verse 35
returns to the question,
Verse 34
is an exhortation,
Verse 58
is also an exhortation,
The intervening verses, 13-33 and 36-57, which constitute the bulk of the chapter,
both deal with
The structure may be set out as follows:--
A | 15: 12.  The fact of resurrection.  "HOW?"
B | 13-33.  Adam and Christ.
Death destroyed.
"When?"  "Then."
C | 34.  Exhortation.  "AWAKE."
A | 35.  The manner of resurrection.  "HOW?"
B | 36-57.  Adam and Christ.
Death swallowed up.
"When?"  "Then."
C | 58.  Exhortation.  "BE STEADFAST."
The predominance of Adam.
You will see that the major sections are headed by the names Adam and Christ, and
these sections contain the references to the destruction or swallowing up of death. The
scope of the passage is defined for us, and it is not possible to introduce the second death
without committing violence to the passage.
Paul amplifies the statement concerning the destruction of the last enemy by the
words, "Death is swallowed up in victory".  That "swallowing up" takes place at
resurrection, and is the destruction of the last enemy--death.
A.--I agree with you as to the strong argument you have for the place of Adam in this
chapter, but do not follow your meaning when you speak of Paul amplifying.
B.--Paul follows a customary method. First he states his theme briefly, then follows
with fuller details. There are at least four such amplification:--
Every man in his own order.
Adam and Christ.
The destruction of death.
The answer to the question "when?".